2014年1月13日 星期一

Comics Artist from Taiwan: Jason CHIEN

Jason Chien is now an independent artist. Believing comics is just like a movie that can be made by a single piece of paper and a single pencil; and that each comic book is a ticket that can take you to different worlds, so he completely threw himself into the comics industry. In August 2005, he officially went public with Little Red Riding Hood Falls in Love With the Big Bad Wolf in the Challenger monthly publication. In June 2006, in the No. 26 of Challenger, he began publishing the serial A Falling Star Hebrew. At the end of May, 2007, the first collection of A Falling Star Hebrew was compiled and published. He served as the main artist for railway, economics, World War II manga, as well as illustrator for comics and advertisement storyboards, as well as working on illustrating novels.

Awards and Exhibitions:
2013   Time Travel: A Journey to Collect Train Tickets was awarded first prize in the 4th Golden Comic Award for the Best General Comic Award.

Important Works:
2011   God of the Stock Market: Korekawa Ginzo
2012   Time Travel: A Journey to Collect Train Tickets

Time Travel: A Journey to Collect Train Tickets

Take A Walk

